
Tale of Rin+Sesshomaru, Ch. 6

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The Tale of Rin and Sesshomaru

Old Friends

Rin's adventures were many, and what few of them are known are told elsewhere. Her name was not spoken often, but when it was spoken, it was with reverence. She did many mighty deeds, but asked nothing for them in return, not even thanks. There was the time that she obliterated an entire youkai army, single-handedly, in just one night. And then there was the time that she saved a large coastal settlement from an onrushing tsunami...

It was a terrible and beautiful sight: A slender woman standing alone on a high promontory over the seacoast, her hair blowing in the wind, a naked sword outstretched in each hand. Bakusaiga, the soul-sword of Sesshomaru, blazing with red and green tongues of supernal fire; Tenseiga, the sword of life, its mystical lighting cleaving the heavens and dancing along its blade; and above her head, a great whirling vortex of human and youkai energy, as her spirit and her guardian's danced and sparked together, banishing the night. And then as the great wave rose up to crush her, she released all in a single stroke; and the wave was, in a flash, utterly obliterated. And all that could be heard in the resounding quiet thereafter was the splash of the calm waves, and the gentle distant pattering as the water that had been the crushing wave softly rained down over the deep seas. And having accomplished all this, Rin merely sheathed her swords, smiled to herself, and walked silently off into the forest. Then, of course, was the time that she and Inuyasha defeated the legions of -- but that, of course, is another story.

In all her years, Rin never took a husband; even the thought to do so never crossed her mind. She had Sesshomaru, and Jaken, and Aun, and they were all she ever needed. The only other beings whose company she ever sought were the companions of her childhood. She maintained a pleasant, if sometimes rocky, relationship with Shippou. After the changes that became apparent in Rin after she began traveling with Sesshomaru's soul and wielding Sesshomaru's swords, he first became quite terrified of her, then shortly thereafter developed an intense crush on her (which Rin very thoughtfully pretended not to notice); things had since settled down to a gracious and stable friendship. She remained warmly cordial with Sango, Miroku, and their many children, to whom she became the spooky but kindly Aunt Rin, who always had the most wonderful stories and who would bring them the most amazing treasures, natural objects of surpassing beauty that only someone with Rin's keen eyes could find: a spotted stone in the shape of a sleeping leopard, or a seashell with the face of a dragon that contained sparkling lavender sand from some mysterious and faraway beach. But for Kagome, who was her closest friend and confidante, she always brought a single rare and perfect flower, pressed carefully between the pages of the tiny picture book that Kagome had given Rin when she was still a little girl. Besides her swords and the clothes on her back, it was her most precious--and in fact, her only--possession.

One evening, Rin and Jaken chanced upon Kagome and Inuyasha. Kagome's belly was gently swelling with the promise of new life, and Kagome positively glowed with joy each time she folded her hands across the child growing within her. Inuyasha was as proud as any expecting father, but for more than the usual reasons: "I knew she was pregnant before she did," he boasted, winking and grinning as he triumphantly tapped his nose... which caused Rin to snicker and Kagome to blush and laugh uncomfortably (and to grab Inuyasha's ear and whisper hoarsely "How many times have I told you not to tell people that!" as soon as Rin turned away). Rin did have a few rather intimate questions for Kagome that made Inuyasha squirm uncomfortably, but much to Inuyasha's relief, the conversation turned quickly to other topics.

Soon a merry fire was roaring, and the old friends were chatting and laughing as only old friends can. Jaken was munching away happily on some of Kagome's "ninja food" (without which Kagome never traveled, in case she ever encountered her old companions), and Rin was braiding an elaborate crown of field flowers while she caught up on news of Kagome's adventures in her own time. Kagome was just getting rolling on the story of her attempt to take Inuyasha to a "romantic getaway" in the modern era, and Inuyasha was getting a little surly about being referred to in the third person while the girls giggled, but then his ears twitched and he sat bolt upright.

"Someone's coming," he said. He sniffed the air. "Humans."

"I know," said Rin, never looking up from her braiding. "Eight of them. They're of no importance." She expertly snapped one flower stem to length, and calmly reached for another.

Just as she had said, there were eight of them: grey-frocked priests, all bearing staves and prayer beads. They gathered in a ring, surrounding Rin and her friends, and their leader walked into the center of the circle and stood in front of Kagome.

"Awright, so whaddaya want?" said Inuyasha.

The priest ignored Inuyasha and spoke directly to Kagome. "So, we meet again, after these many years, and still you have not repented."

Inuyasha made no attempt to hide his irritation as he growled, "Look, you, I don't remember you, but if you met us before, I'm sure I told you the same thing then--mind your own damned business and get lost!" Rin paid no attention to either of them, but reached down into her pile of materials and selected another flower to braid.

The priest continued to glare at Kagome. "You may not remember, but I can never forget. It was many years ago, when I was just an apprentice. My master came across a strangely dressed miko and a white-haired hanyou, in the company of mononoke. He offered to save you from their evil influence, and you refused."

Jaken choked and spat out his noodles. "Who are you calling a mononoke?" He puffed out his chest proudly. "Can't you see what I am?" He snorted imperiously, "Mononoke...hmmph!"

"Hush, Jaken," said Rin quietly. "Don't encourage him. Finish your noodles. Have you tried the pickles?" Jaken scowled, stuffed a handful of pickles into his mouth, and glowered as he chewed. Rin continued work on her braiding, executing a particularly complex weave in a single move, and clucked approvingly at her work.

The priest took no interest in Jaken's annoyance. He continued, "Later that day, my master suffered his greatest defeat. He tried to rescue a child who had been kidnapped and bewitched by a demon most foul; but the child refused him, choosing the company of youkai over her own kind. The demon's power was too great for even my master to overcome, and he was never the same after that humiliating day."

Jaken choked on his food again, and began spluttering in outrage, sending bits of pickles flying in every direction. Rin's eyes narrowed, and she abruptly stopped braiding; she put down her work, and stifled Jaken's protests by dumping an armful of flowers onto his head. "I think you've said enough," she said darkly. "I think it would be best for you to leave. Now."

This only infuriated the priest. "When the redemption of my master's honor is within my grasp? No, on the contrary, it is time for you to leave--but you will be departing for the next life." He brandished his staff, which began sparking menacingly. The circle of priests raised their prayer beads, which began to glow in unison with the priest's staff.

Rin smiled; only Jaken saw her do so. It was not her utterly charming, happy-little-girl smile that could warm a chilly day; it was Sesshomaru's horrible someone-is-going-to-die-soon-and-they-don't-know-it-yet smirk: of all his master's expressions, it was the one that Jaken found the most disturbing. He liked it not at all on Sesshomaru, and he liked it even less on Rin. Jaken began to look about for the most convenient source of cover, thinking that if all else failed, he could hide behind Kagome (until Inuyasha noticed, that is).

"My master would have saved you, but you chose the path of darkness," the priest continued. He glared at each of them in turn. "You, a fallen miko, who have clearly defiled yourself by..." He looked at Inuyasha's hand resting gently on Kagome's thigh and Kagome's hand resting on her swelling belly, and his voice shook with revulsion as he snarled, "... by... consorting... with a hanyou." Inuyasha and Kagome looked at each other coyly, Kagome blushed and giggled, and Inuyasha chortled. This only further infuriated the priest. "You, hanyou, bear a weapon that reeks of youkai energy. I can only imagine the evil you have committed with it." He turned to Jaken, and with disgust, nearly spat as he said, "You were born beyond redemption. I have nothing to say to you." But his final insult was delivered to Rin: "And you, young woman, bearing weapons when you should be bearing children, are rotten with the stench of youkai, and your stain is there for all to see in the mark of an..." He shuddered with disgust and indignation, " ABOMINATION, befouling your face." Rin said nothing, but her left hand had stealthily loosened Bakusaiga in its sheath, and her left thumb slowly pushed the blade to the ready position.

The priest held his staff aloft and shouted with a great voice: "You pollute this world with your heinous presence. I have no choice but to send you to the next world, where perhaps you may atone for the harm you have done to this one." His staff glowed and sparked, and a spell began to form.

Inuyasha leaped to his feet, his hand on Tessaiga, but before he could draw it, Rin was already in motion. In the blink of an eye she flew at the priest. With one stroke she cleaved the head of the staff neatly in two, and with the return stroke, she sliced through the shaft, scattering the half-cast spell in a shower of sparks. Rin spun into the air with her long black hair and gleaming white kimono gracefully whirling about her, a tongue of flame coursing from her sword. The energy bolt whipped around the circle of priests; and although they themselves were untouched, their prayer beads simultaneously burst into flames. Several of them were brought to their knees by the shock and the burning pain in their hands.

Rin floated softly to the ground, then drove Bakusaiga roughly into the dirt, where it stood upright, glowing ominously. She strode to the priest, and grabbed him by the throat. Neither her face nor voice betrayed any emotion; she spoke in quiet, measured tones, but every syllable dripped menace.

"I told you it would be better for you to leave. You know nothing of my friends. You know nothing at all." Her fingers slowly began to tighten on his throat, and cold sweat ran down his face; he was paralyzed by terror, and he did not even struggle to break free of her iron grip.

Rin's dark eyes burned as she spoke. "Since you know nothing of my friends," she said coldly, "let me explain: This miko has, with her own hands, rid the world of more evils than all of you together have even seen. The love that beats in the heart of this hanyou would shame a saint, and with that love and that sword he has saved this woman, and this world, times beyond number." Her eyes narrowed, and her grip tightened. "And the love that they share in each other's arms is holy, and you... will... NOT... speak of it."

At this, Kagome and Inuyasha both blushed and grinned sheepishly at each other. But Rin was not finished. "And as for me..." With terrifying ease, she lifted the priest into the air, still holding him by the throat. "I was that girl of which you spoke. Humans killed those who gave me life, and those of my own village shunned me. It was youkai who sheltered me, cared for me, and cherished me." (At this, it was Jaken's turn to blush.) "And as for the one you call an 'abomination'..."

A great mist arose from Bakusaiga, and from that mist solidified the spirit of Sesshomaru: tall and menacing, staring unblinkingly at the hapless priest.

"This one recalled me from death back to life, and saved that life more times than I can count. He is more father to me than the one who begat me, and I owe him EVERYTHING."

Rin pulled the man's face close to hers. Through clenched teeth, she said hoarsely, "And if you ever trouble me or mine again... I will kill you with my bare hands."

She hurled the poor man down onto the ground, face first, at Sesshomaru's feet. The priest struggled to raise himself off the ground, but when he did so, he found himself pinned by Sesshomaru's steely gaze. Sesshomaru's sonorous voice chilled the air: "Leave. Now. While you still have your lives."

Rin and Sesshomaru as one turned their backs on the priests, their hair and kimonos swirling gracefully with each step, and away they walked. Rin casually retrieved Bakusaiga and sheathed it in a single smooth motion. The priests realized that they had a one-time opportunity for a retreat and they immediately took it, running headlong off into the night.

Inuyasha resumed his seat and stretched his legs comfortably before him. He put his hands behind his head and said with unmistakable pride, "Boy, she sure takes after Sesshomaru, doesn't she?" Kagome nodded in agreement, but something caught her eye and she nearly did a double take at what she thought she had seen. Had Sesshomaru heard what Inuyasha had said? Was that the ghost of a smile at the corner of Sesshomaru's mouth? She rubbed her eyes, but when she looked again, Sesshomaru's apparition had disappeared, returning to its home in the sword.

Without a look backwards, Rin picked up the flower-crown she had been weaving, and inspected it with an expert eye. "Now, where were we? Jaken, you didn't crush my flowers, did you?" She made some adjustments to the crown, and continued chatting as if nothing had happened. "So, Kagome, you were telling me about the trouble you were having coaxing Inuyasha into the mineral baths?" Rin leaned forward and skimmed the floral circlet deftly at Inuyasha, where it settled at a jaunty angle on his head.

Rin leaned conspiratorially towards Kagome. "I think the blue bells are just perfect for the gold in his eyes, don't you?" Both women burst into peals of girlish laughter, and Inuyasha muttered under his breath, "Boy, does she ever take after Sesshomaru."

The story continues. Old friends are the best, are they not

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Cassandi's avatar
I love this please keep writing please